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How Safe Is Chiropractic Care?

Curiously questioning the safety that comes with any type of treatment is always and will never fail to be a valid concern.

Over the course of the last 100 years, chiropractic care has amassed a well-documented history of safe and effective methods for correcting unwanted spinal misalignments.

To this day, however, members of the media and the traditional medical community still pose questions about the safety that goes with most chiropractic methods.

And that is perfectly fine since, like any other solid science, chiropractic care has the numbers to make its claim to safety widely verifiable.

Setting The Record Straight

Stroke-related incidences have been the primary concern of some traditional medicine practitioners. For some reason, they are making a case that spinal adjustments can trigger incidences of stroke. While inquiries such as this are both appreciated and welcomed, these questions also require the chiropractic community to set the record straight.

And as there is no room for unsubstantiated opinion or bias in the science of healthcare, the chiropractic community makes its case through honest numbers acquired from reliable statistics.

The following numbers appear in the Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences in 2003. The study was conducted by researchers from the Department Of Clinical Neurological Sciences at the University of Western Ontario (Canada). The study delves into 80 stroke and stroke-related cases. Of the 80 strokes that were studied, here is what actually caused them:

Number Percentage Cause
1 1% Struck by Swinging Car Door
5 6% Chiropractic Manipulation
5 6% Industrial Injury
7 9% Pedestrian Struck by Vehicle
62 78% Motor Vehicle Accident

As what is clearly demonstrated in the study, most episodes of stroke are caused by motor vehicle accidents. Researchers have specifically noted that after the accident, episodes and symptoms of stroke can take weeks, months, and even years to develop and eventually manifest to the surface.

If there is anything that the statistics at hand demonstrate with regards risk and safety is that it might be riskier to drive to the chiropractic clinic than it is to receive the actual chiropractic treatment.

Chiropractor In Canberra

Canberra Spine Centre houses a team of chiropractic experts who commit their time and skills to improve the vital relationship that exists between the spine, the central nervous system, and the general health and wellbeing of the body.

Canberra Spine Centre makes the very best of modern chiropractic practices widely available to the local Canberra community and its surrounding regions. Call your local Chiropractor In Canberra at (02) 6257 9400. Or simply book an appointment online.

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